[tycho-dev] JUnit5 support
2018-02-21 07:36:54 UTC
Hi all,

as you may have seen, I was start working on the Junit5 support. The draft change is https://git.eclipse.org/r/#/c/114532/. Currently I am stuck with the issue, that a bundle where the juni5 provider is used is always failing with the error "no tests found".
When debugging into the Junit5 Surefire Provider, it seems that it's picking up all the provider properties but deeper in the Surefire Provider it decides not to run any test. I have the feeling that the OsgiSurefireBooter does initialize the surefire not correctly (at least not for the JUni5 Surefire Provider).
I can't get any further for now and it would be great if someone could take a look, maybe you do have any clue what might be wrong.

